Tag: English

Word: Altruistic

The word “altruistic” can be thought of as combination of two words- “all” and “true”. When we are true to one and all , we go beyond our individualistic concerns , for the sake of the well being of others. Thus, we become “altruistic”. Remember thus!

Word: Prosaic

“Prose” is defined as “ordinary writing”. And ordinary is boring, unimaginative, uninspiring. So, “Prosaic” is anything which reminds you of a lengthy piece of writing in which you are being unable to generate any interest.

Word: Petrichor

Petrichor [Noun] Sentence: Publishing in the journal Nature in 1964, Bear and Thomas proposed a name for the scent brought on by rain. They called it “petrichor,” a blend of the Greek words petra, rock, and ikhor, the blood […]